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Shakespeare al cinema: drammi e tragedie

King Lear

1987, regia di Jean-Luc Godard


Scheda: Nazione: USA-Bahamas - Produzione: Cannon Films, Golan-Globus Productions - Distribuzione: Bodega Films, Cannon Films  Distributors, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Media Home Entertainment - Soggetto: ispirato al dramma di William Shakespeare - Sceneggiatura: Richard Debuisne, Jean-Luc Godard, Norman Mailer - Fotografia: Sophie Maintigneux - Montaggio: Jean-Luc Godard (come Mr. Alien) - Formato: Color - Durata: 90'.

Cast: Woody Allen, Leos Carax, Julie Delpy, Jean-Luc Godard, Suzanne Lanza, Kate Mailer, Norman Mailer, Burgess Meredith, Michèle Pétin, Molly Ringwald, Peter Sellars.


Trama e commenti: - - - - - - «Dopo la catastrofe termonucleare di Chernobyl (26 aprile 1986) Willy Shakespeare V (P. Sellars) cerca di recuperare le opere perdute del suo antenato. Nel viaggio incontra Don Lear, vecchio boss mafioso (B. Meredith), con la figlia Ofelia (M. Ringwald), Edgar (L. Carax) e il bizzarro prof. Pluggy (J.-L. Godard) con una parrucca intessuta di fili elettrici multicolori. Prodotto per la Cannon di Menahem Golan, è un altro poliedrico pastiche godardiano, storia di un film da farsi, anzi della propria difficile gestazione. ... Brevi apparizioni dello scrittore americano Norman Mailer e di Woody Allen nella parte del montatore Alien che, alla fine, cuce i pezzi della pellicola con ago, filo e spilli da balia. L'edizione italiana, doppiata, non fu mai distribuita».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - «It should come as no surprise that in this film version of Shakespeare's play, director Jean-Luc Godard shows very little concern for plot, or that--as with every addition to the Godard canon--King Lear further considers his previous ideas, preoccupations, and experiments. Though many will cry foul at this adaptation of Shakespeare,, in an odd sense, does more with the original than any number of faithful, literary adaptations by allowing the material to transcend its medium and find new power in a modern time. As usual, Godard is also interested in self-consciously exploring his own position as a filmmaker. The film opens with Godard and producer Menahem Golem discussing the making of the film, and throughout we see shots of famous deceased directors. The rest is full of audacious experiments in sound, and bizarre casting with lots of established, movie star types (the weirdest of all being Molly Ringwald). Godard casts himself, in Rastafarian dreadlocks as the Fool in this often heady convergence of high camp, solemn philosophy, Fellini's 8 1/2, and someone's drug trip. A challenge, as with all Godard, but not quite his most rewarding one».

Approfondimenti: Movie Review




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