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I film sul Medioevo fantastico - Il Medioevo nel cinema cecoslovacco


1956, regia di Václav Krska



Scheda: Nazione: Cecoslovacchia-Bulgaria - Produzione: Filmové studio Barrandov, Studio hraných filmů v Sofii, Boyana Film - Distribuzione: Nacional VídeoSoggetto: da un testo di Václav Krska, Jaroslav Beránek - SceneggiaturaVáclav Krska, Jaroslav Beránek - Fotografia: Ferdinand Pecenka - Musiche: Jarmil Burghauser - Formato: Color - Durata: 76'.

Cast: Eduard Cupák, Karel Fiala, Jana Rybárová, Dana Medrická, Otýlie Benísková, Aleš Košhnar, Alexander Milkovski, Kiril Ilinchev, Zdravka Baltova, Nikola Karadzhov, Ivan Obretenov, Aleš Kosnar.




Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: «There was once a prince named Omar, who lived far away from his homeland. All grown up now, he decided to retur. During his journey, Omar meets the tailor Labakan, a dreamer, and is told this his true identity. Labakan recognizes a chance to rob the prince at night, and he travels on. However, the tables are turned and the Sultan soon recognizes Omar as his his real son....».


Conosciuto anche con i titoli: Der falsche Prinz; The False Prince.



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