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Filmografia su Giovanna d'Arco

Jeanne d'Arc

1899, regia di Georges Méliès


Scheda: Nazione: Francia - Produzione: Star Film - DistribuzioneEdison Manufacturing Company, American Mutoscope & Biograph, S. Lubin - SoggettoGeorges Méliès - Sceneggiatura: Georges Méliès - Fotografia: Georges Méliès - Formato: B.N. colorato a mano, muto, corto - Durata: 10'.

Cast: Jeanne d'Alcy, Bleuette Bernon, Georges Méliès.




Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: - - - IMDb: «Breathtaking version of the classic story tells the life and death of the one and only Joan of Arc. This film is unique for many different reasons including the fact that it runs ten minutes long, which certainly wasn't common for the day. Another unique factor is that the entire film was hand colored and this is where the true beauty of the movie comes into play. The colors of the film are downright brilliantly done and makes other color films from this period look quite poor. The red colors of the dresses and the bright lime colors are beautiful to look at. The story is also told through narration and this is another plus as it's able to tell us a lot about what we're watching and it also points out the various roles being played by Melies. This film holds up incredibly well today and is one that would probably be enjoyed by plenty of kids who wouldn't normally watch a film from 1900» (Michael Elliott). «Au printemps 1900, Georges Méliès met en scène Jeanne d’Arc (n° 264-275 de son catalogue). C’est son deuxième film à tableaux après Cendrillon (1899), et son premier film qui dépasse les 200 mètres; mais, contrairement à Cendrillon qui accumule vingt tableaux pour six plans-décors seulement, Jeanne d’Arc compte autant de plans-décors – douze – que de tableaux1. Ce sont les deux premiers très grands succès de Méliès. Jeanne d’Arc est omniprésente dans les études sur les débuts du spectacle cinématographique en France; on en repère également la trace au Canada2, à Cuba3… Une magnifique copie de ce film, coloriée au pinceau, a été retrouvée en 1982 par le collectionneur René Charles...».


Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Joan of Arc. Jeanne d'Alcy è Giovanna d'Arco.




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