Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Carmilla's Kiss

2007, regia di Michael McGovern



Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Tonerwoods Productions - Soggetto (dal romanzo Carmilla): Michael McGovern - Sceneggiatura: Michael McGovern - Fotografia: Brad Garris - Montaggio: Aaron Bernard - Effetti speciali: Monica A. Granato - Formato: Color HDCAM - Durata: 73'.

Cast: Crystal Aura, Aaron Bernard, Stephanie Bertoni, Angelo Bruni, Michael Burkett, Nicole Capezio, Crystalann, Richard W. Eckman, Minda Fisher, Heather Lucas, Quantia Mali, Nikki McCrea, Robert Scott, Harrison Spyke, Matt Veltri.




Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - «A dark comedy about a theatrical director staging his masterpiece: a play based on the gothic vampire tale Carmilla. One night, his eccentric cast meets him at a vacant house to rehearse in the cellar that inspired the play's set. The cellar, a rumored ancient place of worship, even has its own altar. During the course of the rehearsal inhibitions fade, passions burn and tempers flare until horror becomes the night».




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