Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)


1970, regia di Jesus Franco



Scheda: Nazione: Spagna-Italia-Germania (RFT) - Produzione: Corona Filmproduktion, Filmar C.C., Filmar Compagnia Cinematografica, Fénix Cooperativa Cinematográfica, Towers of London Productions - Distribuzione: Variety, Avo Film, Arce Films, Crystal Pictures, Itálica Films, Republic Pictures Corporation, World Entertainment Corp. - Soggetto (dal Dracula di Bram Stoker): Erik Krohenke - Sceneggiatura: Augusto Finocchi, Milo G. Cuccia, Carlo Fadda, Jesus Franco, Harry Alan Towers, Dietmar Behnke - Fotografia: Manuel Merino - Montaggio: Bruno Mattei, Derek Parsons - Musica: Bruno Nicolai - Effetti speciali: Sergio Pagoni - Formato: Eastmancolor - Durata: 97'.

Cast: Christopher Lee, Herbert Lom, Klaus Kinski, Fred Williams, Maria Rohm, Soledad Miranda, Paul Müller, Jack Taylor, Teresa Gimpera, José Martínez Blanco, Jesús Puente, Jesus Franco.



Trama e commenti: - - «Il giovane Jonathan Harker da Londra va in Transilvania per vendere un castello al conte Dracula. Imprevisti. Assai fedele al romanzo (1897) di Bram Stoker, è una piccola chicca per gli amanti dei racconti vampireschi in cui l'intelligenza e il gusto sopperiscono alla povertà dei mezzi. Christopher Lee ammirevole per sobrietà».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - «The young Englishman, Jonathan Harker (Frederick Williams), a lawyer, arrives at the house of the mysterious Count Dracula (Christopher Lee) in the mountains of Transylvania on business for his employers. The Count, who is an old man, is very hospitable, but obviously quite alone in the castle. Jonathan discovers that at night he is locked in his bedroom. When he eventually manages to free himself, he discovers a subterranean grave which is empty. Three beautiful girls appear before the horrified Jonathan, who has been weakened by a fall. The girls, who are bloodsucking vampires, fight over him. As he flees, he falls from a high castle wall. Jonathan regains consciousness in the Budapest clinic of the strange Professor Van Helsing (Herbert Lom). However, no-one believes what has happened to him...».

Approfondimenti: Movie Review


Conosciuto anche con i titoli: El cónde Dracula; Bram Stoker's Count Dracula; Count Dracula; Dracula 71; Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht; The  Nights of Dracula; Dracula den Blodtörstige; Les Nuits de Dracula; Verenhimoinen Dracula.




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