Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Terror of Dracula

2012, regia di Anthony D.P. Mann



Scheda: Nazione: Canada - Produzione: Bill Bossert - Distribuzione: ADP Mann & Co - Soggetto: dal Dracula di Bram Stoker - Sceneggiatura: Anthony D.P. Mann, Bill Bossert - Musiche: Anthony D.P. Mann - Formato: Color - Durata: 100'.

Cast: Anthony D.P. Mann, Matt Davis, Angela Faulkner, Andrea Hiltz, Ilke Hincer, Vikki Jinn, Dick Miller, Noelle Piche, Angella Scott, Terry Wade, Denise Wedge, Barry Yuen.






Trama e commenti: «Quando Jonathan Harker, un giovane avvocato dall'Inghilterra viaggia nel cuore dei monti Carpazi per incontrarsi con l'antico conte Dracula, scopre il terrore sanguinoso e peste che ora minaccia di gettare la sua ombra sull'Inghilterra! Nel frattempo, Quincy Morris convoca il suo vecchio amico, il professor Van Helsing quando una misteriosa malattia consuma la moglie. Sono le due ferite sulla gola di Lucy il morso di un vampiro? È una corsa contro il tempo: i nostri eroi combattono per salvare le anime della loro amata dalle grinfie del terrore» [!!!].

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - «...Written in 1897, Bram Stoker’s classic novel has resulted in 200 odd film adaptations and has inspired countless (look, look, a pun) other vampire stories. The simple story of solicitor Jonathan Harker traveling to Transylvania to meet with a mysterious Count Dracula and help him arrange his purchase of a property in England has fascinated, frightened and entertained millions of people across decades and centuries… and it isn’t just the fact that the property is in England that’s scary. Canadian director and writer, Anthony DP Mann, now hopes to throw his name into the hat of successful Dracula film adaptations with his film, Terror of Dracula. The film’s press release states that “taking a radical departure from what seems to have been the general consensus, filmmaker/writer Anthony DP Mann has gone back to the roots of the legend and returned to the source material to give the noble Prince of Darkness his true original pedigree and prestige”. This is a mighty big claim, and, having seen the film, I’m not convinced that it’s completely accurate. ... Terror of Dracula was “shot guerilla-style on a modest five-figure budget” according to the filmmakers, and this shows. Scenes that are supposed to be shot at night are often shot in broad daylight or the color tweaked to make it look like night time. This, too, appears to be by design. The original source material, while preserved overall, seems to be heavily tweaked towards lowering budgetary pressures with many of the more expensive moments lost in this version. For example, there is no scampering down walls like a lizard, or big packs of wolves, or floating blue flames to be found here. The script differs significantly on many aspects of the original novel. There is no mysterious carriage ride to the castle; we have Mr Harker carrying his own luggage on foot. The Count is distant and, unlike the Dracula in Stoker’s book who quite happily chats the night away, isn’t very interested in talking. Overall though this is probably one of the closer adaptations out there. I recommend Terror of Dracula to anybody sick of mainstream vampire movies, especially those who enjoyed the classic versions of the films and are looking for a modern take on the story. This one is sure to develop some kind of cult following».

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