Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Christmas at Draculas

2014, regia di Simon Mckeon



Scheda: Nazione: Irlanda - Produzione: El Diablo Productions - Soggetto: Simon Mckeon - Sceneggiatura: Simon Mckeon - Fotografia: Cristian Paradiso - Montaggio: Harold Pimms - Art Director: Kevin Mulcahy - Scenografia: Dharminder Singh Kang, Tom Monahan, John O'Callaghan - Musiche: Cormac Brenock, Kevin Mulcahy - Effetti speciali: Stephen Hannon - Formato: Color.

Cast: Conor Dwane, Michael O'Dowd, Lorraine Comiskey, Noelle Clarke, John Browne, Art Kelleher, Jerry O'Mullane, Jonathan O'Dwyer, Dave McGuire, Conor Slattery, Lochlainn McKenna, Mary Pappin, Colin Patrick Kelleher, Sebastian Thommen, Christopher Walley, Pearse McCarthy.






Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - «Shot at various locations in and around Cork City and County, Christmas at Dracula’s is a modern, darkly comic take on the Vampire myth, interweaving aspects of Bram Stokers legendary novel and expanding on the Hollywood B movies of the 1930s and hammer horror creature genres. The once formidable Count Dracula decides to throw a Christmas party to rejuvenate his failing reputation as the prince of darkness. The guest list includes an array of famous movie monsters including Frankenstein, The Invisible man, The Wicked Witch, Dr, Jekyll, The Wolfman and many more. This unwittingly sets off a series of events that quickly spirals out of control and threatens to become the party to end all parties, heralding a zombie apocalypse and bringing Dracula to the very gates of hell. ‘Working on a low budget means we have to be imaginative in our approach, a lot is done with smoke and mirrors, literally!’, joked first-time feature Writer/Director Simon Mckeon ‘We have a wonderful cast and crew who all make for a very productive working environment.’ he added. ‘Paying homage to these iconic characters and old fashioned horror movies while adding our own modern influences has been very rewarding. With principal photography almost complete the real fun begins with the editing and visual effects and other post production work.’ said producer/actor Conor Dwane».





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