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C'era una volta l'uomo

(Il était une fois... l'homme)

1978-1979, di Albert Barillé



Scheda: Nazione: Francia - Produzione: France 3, Société Radio-Canada, RAI, Société Suisse de Radiodiffusion et Télévision, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone, Belgische Radio en Televisie, Katholieke Radio Omroep, Norsk Rikskringkasting, Sveriges Radio, Radiotelevisión Española, Access Alberta, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Pan Vision Oy, Tatsunoko Production - Distribuzione: Am - Creatore della serie: Albert Barillé - Sceneggiatura: Albert Barillé - Art Direction: René Borg, Philippe Landrot - Musiche: Michel Legrand, Yasuo Sugiyama - Formato: Color, animazione, serie tv in 26 episodi - Durata: 25'.

Voci (edizione originale): Annie Balestra, Yves Barsacq, Claude Bertrand, Roger Carel, Patrick Préjean e altri, Albert Barillé (narratore).





Trama e commenti: «Serie televisiva a disegni animati creata da Albert Barillé nel 1978 e composta da ventisei episodi. La serie tratta della storia della razza umana iniziando dalla nascita della Terra, per poi attraversare nella narrazione i secoli e le principali civiltà, mediante la recitazione di un gruppo fisso di personaggi, sempre alle prese con situazioni diverse; alla fine la serie immagina un futuro finalmente pacificato, dove l'uomo illuminato dalla tecnologia e dal sapere rimedia alla sua condotta sconsiderata. La prima televisiva della serie, avvenuta sulle reti Rai, era accompagnata dalla sigla: "Io di più", parole di Giorgio Calabrese e voce di Lino Toffolo. L'edizione successiva, della trasmissione su reti Mediaset, presenta la canzone: "Conosciamoci un po'", cantata da Cristina d'Avena. La sigla originale francese è invece composta da un'interpretazione della Toccata e fuga in Re minore di Johann Sebastian Bach, arrangiata dal compositore giapponese Yasuo Sugiyama, senza alcuna voce a contorno».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - «Originally called Il Etait Une Fois L'homme, this animated series was produced by the great French director Albert Barille in 1978. The series set out to inform children & adults of how the Earth first came into existence and then how life evolved to the present day and then a brief glimpse of what the future may hold for us. The series lasted for 26 episodes (four of which are presented here), but it was only a smaller part of a vast series of animations done by Barille (shown in table below). Each episode lasted 25mins or so minutes and was originally shown on ITV back in the late 1970s right up to the early 1980s. The animations had serious historical fact mixed in with humour and adventure. Occasionally the series would also include photographs or video footage of actual sites of historical interest. Some may not remember the animation themselves, but I am sure when you listen to the starting music and look at the start credit images, it will all come flooding back. The main characters (shown below) were always the same throughout whatever period of history you were watching. Peter was always a kind, resourceful man who often tried to help his fellow man. He was often partnered with Psi and they had several children including young Peter who was very ingenious and good with his brain and hands. Peter was always accompanied by Jumbo who was a very strong individual but not the brightest light on the tree when it came to day to day matters. Jumbo often wanted to resolves issues with his mighty left fist but Peter would often stop him. On the odd occasion that there was no way of dealing with a problem either rationally or logically especially with a certain individual, Jumbo would often look to Peter to get approval, after which the fist would come crashing down on someone's head. The head usually belonged to one of three creatures, firstly an animal for food but more often that not it was the head of the big bully boy and his sidekick. The big bully was always there demanding his share of things and that he was the leader. The bully was both ignorant and often dangerous. Often he would deliberately take the opposite viewpoint/stand even if it meant his downfall. He was always encouraged by his evil sneaky side kick who would whisper ideas into his ear. The sidekick was always present, always looking to plot the downfall of someone or an idea. He was a complete coward but very capable in terms of stealing ideas in order to further the bully and himself. Jumbo knew exactly how to deal with the pair...».



In Italia la serie è stata trasmessa da Rai 1 dal 1981, da Italia 1 dal 1991; nel 1991 è stata distribuita su Vhs, e nel 2008 su dvd dalla De Agostini. è conosciuta anche con i titoli: Conosciamoci un po'; Once Upon a Time; Once Upon a Time... Man; Érase una vez el hombre; Es war einmal... der Mensch.

Prima stagione, episodio 8: Les conquêtes de l'Islam (Le conquiste dell'Islam) (18 maggio 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 9: Les Carolingiens (I carolingi) (25maggio 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 10: L'âge des Vikings (I Vichinghi) (aprile 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 11: Les bâtisseurs de cathédrales (I costruttori di cattedrali) (8 giugno 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 12: Les voyages de Marco Polo (I viaggi di Marco Polo) (15 giugno 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 13: La guerre de cent ans (La Guerra dei Cent'Anni) (22 giugno 1979)
Prima stagione, episodio 14: Le Quattrocento (L'uomo del Quattrocento) (5 settembre 1979).



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