Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)

Vampire Wars

1991, regia di Kazuhisa Takenouchi


Scheda: Nazione: Giappone - Produzione: Toei Animation, Promise Co. Ltd. - Distribuzione: Manga Entertainment - Soggetto: Kiyoshi Kasai - Sceneggiatura: Hiroyuki Hoshiyama - Fotografia: Yukio Katayama - Musiche: Toyama Kazz - Formato: Color, animazione - Durata: 53' (60').

Voci: Alan Blyton, Jonathan Keeble, Yuka Koyama, Hikaru Midorikawa, Yűko Mita, Leslie Rooney, Kaneto Shiozawa, Masashi Sugawara, Sarah Wateridge.



Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - «First a brutal terrorist attack on a NASA base takes place deep in the Arizona desert. Then, ten days later, the corpse of a CIA man is found floating in the Seine in Paris. Are the two events connected? Monsiuer Lassar of the French secret service thinks so, but can't work out how. To help him he calls in International terrorist, spy and master criminal Kousaburo Kuki. Kuki discovers the key to the mystery is film spuer-star Lamia Vindaw, who has become the focus of a CIA operation in Paris and more sinisterly, the target of a bizarre vampire cult. Can Kuki get to the bottom of the mystery and save the glamorous Miss Vindaw, or will he too become just another number in the body count? Well, there's a film you shouldn't miss. Although, from Anime point-of-view, this is a rather mediocre movie, but viewing it from the vampire-side, it is very inventive and good plotted. I very much liked the master Vampire in it...forget Dracula or the Carpenter Vampire, this Vampire really has powers. This story introduces some new background to the various vampire myths, which I find very interesting. One thing to mention: This movie definitely has the fastest seduction-scene ever shown in a movie (besides porno-flics of course): Naw, no description, see it for yerself!».

Approfondimenti: Movie Review


IMDb e Movie Review datano il film all'anno 2003. Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Vampire Senzo.




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