Sei in: Cinema e Medioevo ® Vampiria. Tutti i film sui vampiri ® I film in ordine alfabetico (1896-oggi)


2007, regia di Laurent Courau



Scheda: Nazione: Francia - Produzione: Production Companies, Avalanche Productions - Distribuzione: Visual Factory, Canal Jimmy, Eagle Entertainment, MIG Film - Soggetto: Laurent Courau - Sceneggiatura: Laurent Courau - Fotografia: Lukas Zpira - Formato: Color, documentario - Durata: 90'.

Cast: Michelle Belanger, Don Henrie, Ice Pick, Lord Rex, Father Sebastian, Emmett Williamson.





Trama e commenti: «All’inizio del XXI secolo, l’horror e il fantasy dominano il cinema e la letteratura. Nelle strade, la realtà è andata persino oltre la finzione. Nuove tribù nascono ogni giorno e stanno già infestando il sottosuolo delle nostre città. Il film è il resoconto di un viaggio nelle tenebre della vera vita segreta dei vampiri che porta a nuove considerazioni sulle credenze contemporanee e sulle culture ai margini della società».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - - - - «Two lesbian lovers, Fran (Marianne Morris) and Miriam (Anulka), are inexplicably shot to death by an unidentified figure at the movies start. They later turn up as black-cloaked sirens who stop men on the side of the road, lure them back to their mansion, and feast on their blood. An unlucky (or lucky, depending on your point of view) guy gets to stay alive while being slowly drained of blood by the two; a couple camping nearby gets drawn into the mayhem too. The movie will please fans of vampires and lesbians, to be sure. It certainly beats anything Seduction Cinema is cranking out (they ave done, what, 512 lezzie-vamp titles by now?). It helps that the leading ladies, while far better as lesbians than as thespians (they were dubbed by British actresses), are easy on the eyes: Morris bears a passing resemblance to Julia Roberts from some angles and is alternately sexy and frightening; Anulka is the more innocent-looking blonde-next-door. They are both in their fifties now, but, like their characters, via the magic of home video they are ageless forever as nude blood-spattered trollops».

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Conosciuto anche con il titolo: Vampires in the Twilight.





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