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Bela Kiss: Prologue

2013, regia di Lucien Förstner



Scheda: Nazione: Germania - Produzione: Mirror Maze - Distribuzione: Drei Freunde Filmverleih, Intergroove Media, 4Digital Media - Soggetto: Lucien Förstner - Sceneggiatura: Lucien Förstner - Fotografia: Sven Latzke - Montaggio: Eric Kazak - Scenografia: Julia Buschmann, Katrin Rittgasser, Cornelius Schick - Costumi: Rudi - Musiche: Tim Nowack - Effetti speciali: Steven Weber - Formato: Color - Durata: 106'.

Cast: Rudolf Martin, Kristina Klebe, Fabian Stumm, Ben Bela Böhm, Janina Elkin, Angus McGruther, Julia Horvath, Jörg Koslowsky, Peer Martiny, Roman Leitner, Collien Ulmen-Fernandes, Marie Mayer, Cameron Begg, Claudia Jäger, Gilles Förstner, Andreas Wisniewski, Joachim Günthner, Rufina Neumann.

Trama e commenti: «La trama si basa sulle gesta del famigerato serial killer ungherese Bela Kiss autore di almeno 23 omicidi e mai catturato. La storia del "Mostro di Czinkota" come venne soprannominato l'omicida è conosciuta in tutto il mondo e il film esce in occasione del 100° anniversario della sua fuga e successiva latitanza. Il trailer è di buon impatto, azzeccate sia le atmosfere alla "Bates Motel" che la strizzatina d'occhio alla parte esoterica della storia. La messinscena considerando il formato direct-to-video è di alto profilo e la suspense sembra ben calibrata rispetto all'elemento gore che promette un cospicuo "bagno" di sangue. Bela Kiss è stato uno dei serial killer più efferati di sempre, accusato di aver ucciso 23 giovani donne durante l'inizio della prima guerra mondiale. I loro corpi erano stati drenati dal sangue, conservati in alcol e rinvenuti in barili di metallo. Secondo alcune indiscrezioni Bela è stato individuato decenni più tardi in diverse parti del mondo. Ora quasi un secolo dopo cinque rapinatori di banche in fuga dalla polizia trovano rifugio in un hotel isolato nella campagna ungherese. Eventi brutali e imprevisti prendono il sopravvento a costruire un ponte verso il passato. Il rifugio sicuro si trasforma ben presto in una trappola da incubo e pone un dubbio atroce: Bela Kiss è ancora vivo?».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - - - «Regular readers will be aware that I will look at films that are about real world serial killers, if they have been called vampires for some reason. Béla Kiss was one such serial killer. Living in the small town of Czinkota near (and now part of) Budapest he had a farm on which he seemed to be stockpiling barrels of petrol. He was drafted into the First World War and, in 1916, soldiers went to his property to appropriate the petrol. Rather than fuel, however, they contained the bodies of women preserved in alcohol. The vampire connection comes in because, according to Charlotte Greig’s Evil Serial Killers: In the Minds of Monsters, there were punctures on the necks and they had been drained of blood. As such, when I sat down to watch this I thought it likely to be an honourable mention. As it turned out, it is most definitely a vampire movie – albeit one that suffers from trying to be a bit of all things to all people. It begins with images of soldiers attending the Bela Kiss (Rudolf Martin, Dracula the Dark Prince & Buffy the Vampire Slayer) property, accompanied with a tape recording of one of them describing what they found. The opening is effective in generating an atmosphere for the film. After some (frankly confusing) images of an attack (possibly sexual) the camera cuts to the woman, Julia (Kristina Klebe, Buffy the Vampire Slayer – season 8 motion comic), who is daydreaming the attack whilst playing with a pendant and looking out of a VW van’s window. By doing so they get stuck as a land rover blocks the path. They hear a gunshot and a man (Roman Leitner) comes up to the van and says he’ll move his vehicle out of their way. His battery is flat and he asks for a jump start. Reluctantly they agree and Felix asks about blood on the man’s hand – he killed a deer he says. When his vehicle starts the radio comes on in the middle of a news report about bank robbers (3 men, 2 women) in a VW van. Now I have to say that they look the most unlikely bank robbers in the world, but it is they. There is a standoff that ends with a ringtone, the startled man accidentally fires, winging Julia - in return Nikolai shoots him; this is to the chagrin of the others as the guns used in the robbery were meant to be replicas only. Nikolai drags the man into the woods but he is still alive and so he bludgeons him to death. ...».

Approfondimenti: Movie Review

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Conosciuto anche con il titolo: The Kiss of a Killer.




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