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...A volte ritornano: i Templari


(Das Blut der Templer)

2004, regia di Florian Baxmeyer



Scheda: Nazione: Germania - Produzione: Medienfonds GFP, Rat Pack Filmproduktion, Westside FilmproduktionDistribuzione: ProSieben MediaSoggettoStefan Barth, Kai-Uwe Hasenheit, Christian Zübert - SceneggiaturaStefan Barth, Kai-Uwe Hasenheit,  Christian Zübert - FotografiaGerhard Schirlo - MontaggioJens Klüber - Musiche: Siggi Mueller, Egon Riedel - FormatoColor - Durata: 180'.

Cast: Harald Krassnitzer, Mirko Lang, Catherine Flemming, Alicja Bachleda-Curuś, Saulius Balandis, Stephan Barth, Daniel Dupant, Zdenek Dvoracek, Peter Franke, Michal Grün, Ralph Herforth, Mario Holetzeck, Martin Hub, René Ifrah, Kestutis Jakstas.



Trama e commenti: - - - - mymovies.i: «David ha diciotto anni ed è cresciuto pensando che la madre e il padre fossero morti durante la sua infanzia. stato educato da un monaco ed ora è vicino a completare i suoi studi ma la sua vita è destinata a cambiare quando, durante una rissa, scopre di avere una forza fisica fuori da comune e la capacità di guarire da qualsiasi tipo di ferita. In breve tempo il Priorato di Sion e l'ordine dei Cavalieri Templari si interessano a lui e lo riconoscono come il nuovo eletto in grado di guidarli nella ricerca dell'ambìto Sacro Graal».

Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - - - - - «When you have in mind, that this is only a German TV-Production, this is a decent movie. It is actually well made and The Director was even nominated for an Oscar for doing the short Movie "rote Jacke". The Story might not be the most original one, but it is quite entertaining. This is about the Templars, that are responsible of guarding the tomb of Jesus Christ and the holy grail. The holy grail is supposed to give eternal life to the one that drinks from it. The story however is focused on a boy, who doesn't know who his parents are but notices, that he is somehow special. He is much stronger than the average human and his wounds also heal pretty quick. He grew up in a monastery but he doesn't know any of his past or origin. one day when he is 18 years old, he is being kidnapped and he finds out things that he wished he never would have found out. This is where the main story begins. Some love elements as well as family drama are integrated in this adventure movie, though not always very convincing. But overall this is a quite entertaining movie, considering that this is only a TV-production. The action scenes are also done very well».


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