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80's Vampire Flick

2011, regia di Laurence Chater


Scheda: Nazione: GB - Produzione: Last Night Films - Soggetto: Katie Burnett - Sceneggiatura: Katie Burnett - Script Supervisor: Christopher Wellington - Fotografia: Ewan Mulligan - Montaggio: Laurence Chater - Art Director: Katie Burnett - Musiche: Ben Norman - Effetti speciali: Rn - Formato: Color, corto - Durata: 15'.

Cast: Caroline Amer, Tristan Brooke, Katie Burnett, Laurence Chater, Sam Freeman, Jackson Milner, Roshni Rathore, Obioma Ugoala.





Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - «A group of high school students on detention realize there is a vampire killer in their midst. Set in the 80's at the fictional London High School of Arts, Science and Motion».





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