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The Chosen One

2009, regia di Theodore Collatos


Scheda: Nazione: USA - Produzione: Brokenhorse Productions - Distribuzione: R-Squared Films - Sceneggiatura: Theodore Collatos - Fotografia: Theodore Collatos - Montaggio: Theodore Collatos - Musiche: Anthony Di Lorenzo, Electric Wizard - Formato: B.N - Durata: 80'.

Cast: Adam Anderson, Jared Barron, Jorg Bizolier, Theodore Collatos, Arthur Collins, Hannah Edgerly, Patrick Flynn, Glenn Gilbert, Tara Johnston, Irena Martens, James Miragolia, Carolina Monnerat, Peter Neithercott, Alexandra Norris, Luke Plaquet, Sam Porretta, Matthew Shaw, Jack Silverman, Lauren Smith, Timothy Sundberg.




Plot Summary, Synopsis, Review: IMDb - - - - «A twisted fairytale horror shot in glorious black and white “The Chosen One” tells the tale of the tragic end of dreams for a happily married couple and their unfortunate plunge into a fiendish nightmare of the worst sorts. The birth, life and UN-death of the couples first and only child, sends the characters into a downward spiral of twisted and horrified events...».

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